Friday, October 24, 2008

Emily's First Birthday

Doesn't seem possible that a year has gone by since this blonde haired, blue eyed beauty entered our lives. She's the middle one of my grandchildren, and the only girl . She is such a spirited little personality and such a girly girl already. However, she holds her own with her big brother most of the time. She liked the cake but loved the doll!

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Hooray for Friday!

Can't believe I haven't blogged anything since the end of September! It's true that time flies faster the older you get. The last time I blogged I was riding high on having the best show of my life. Since then, I have had what could be the second worst show of my life. The worst one was two days, this one was only one day. It was in a large city, in a supposedly well to do neighborhood, the environment was outstanding, the promotors lovely people. But there was no crowd and no one spending money. It's discouraging to do all that work and wind up going in the hole. Oh well, when you do craft shows for any length of time, you learn that you will have bad ones. Those are the ones you think twice about doing again.

I've got two more shows to do this season, both will feature my Christmas/Holiday creations. That's what I've been busy working on since the middle of October and I only have two more weekends before the first of those shows. I love making Christmas wreaths and tried a new angle this year. I have put some on tabletop easels. We'll see how they sell.

Anway, Friday is here. The drudgery of the week almost over. It's time to get in the creative zone.