First, I measured my aluminum cuff blank (purchased from gottagetadeal on Etsy) and made a template for future use. Then I cut a lining for the inside of the cuff from black ultrasuede and glued it to the inside of the foundation. I also cut a piece of backing for the embroidery out of a stiff felt. This is the same backing material I use for cabochon necklaces. Next, I glued in place the three cabochons I had selected to use as focals. The center one is a faux red jasper and the two outer ones are repurposed button earrings. I loved the blend of colors in them! Now I was ready to choose beads for enhancing the cabs.

Other than positioning the three cabs and knowing that I would bezel them with the crystals and seed beads, I really didn't have a pre-formed notion of what I was going to do. The piece is sort of evolving from "what if and let's try this" moments. Oddly enough, I've found that some of my best work happens this way. So far, I'm pleased with this creative process and think the cuff is going to be a keeper. My boyfriend says it's gaudy and maybe it is, but I love color and texture. So I shall continue on doing what I do and when it's all finished, I'll post it here.
Yepp! The best items are usually made that way ;)
Glad you found our suggestions useful!
Best of luck,
Wow this is coming along brilliantly! I love the rich colours you're using, not gaudy at all to me. Looking forward to seeing the finished piece :)
I'm also going to be making my first embroidered cuff very soon!
Liz x
I can't wait to see the finished product. The colors are wonderful. It will be a beauty!
Looks great!! Can't wait to see it finished too.
Not gaudy at all!!! I realy like your colors and textures. Beauteous!
I think it's gorgeous! Can't wait to see it finished!
The colors are beautiful. I've never made a bead embroidered cuff so I'm anxious to see how your's turns out. It looks great so far.
Keep going, cannot wait to see the end product, it's going to be stunning.
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