I'm really telling my age here, but I once had psychedelic, neon colored posters plastered all over my bedroom walls, big bright tissue paper flowers stuck in funky vases and peace signs everywhere. I listened to Janis and Jimi and wore hip hugger bellbottoms and tie dye t-shirts. Yep, I am a child of the 60's.
When the March Etsy Beadweavers challenge theme "Fashion Through the Ages" was announced, it wasn't hard for me to find inspiration. I remembered those big, daisy style, neon colored flowers we plastered everywhere; in our rooms, on our possessions and on our persons! I remembered the long necklaces we wore, singly and in multliples, with our bell sleeved tunics and our granny dresses. So, for the challenge, my memories created a long, multi-strand, daisy chain necklace in vivid colors of purple, orange, blue, yellow, pink and green. I have to say, it is far out.
Can you say, "Groovy, man!"?
9 years ago
I'm a 60's child too. I think your challenge piece is really charming - love all that flower power goin' on there!
Good luck,
very cool!!! LOVE it!!!
Lovely, Deb!I can also smell spring and summer. Good luck with the challenge!
Very far out - groovy - and I love it!
Just stumble over your blog and I see this little piece of art. Is absolutely beautiful and I think is timeless
LOVE YOUR BLOG!!!! visit ours, toohttp://herawochentipps.blogspot.de/
It's lovely!!!
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