My significant other, who happens to be countrywindows on Etsy, is a treasury fanatic. He loves putting them together and is always trying to come up with new ideas for a theme. This weekend I was whining to him that I don't get to curate treasuries as often as he does because he's retired and I still have to work full time. I really enjoy doing treasuries too and it's just not fair that he gets to do more of them than I do!
Today he called me as I was heading home for lunch and told me if I hurried I could try to get in on a treasury because it was opening in about 30 minutes. I told him thanks but I had other stuff I needed to do, thinking I'd never have time anyway. I didn't have a title or theme. I hadn't researched any items, etc. But after I'd checked my email, I decided to look at the Treasury and sure enough, there was still 20 minutes to go. So, I think, what the heck, can I make it? What can I do for a theme? I wanted to do another one with EBW people cause I like being able to promote the team. So I did a search in tags for EBW and one of the first pieces I saw was Arosebyname's harlequin bracelet and I thought, "That's it! Diamonds!" The rest is history and preserved for posterity on my computer using webCollect (Thank you, Grandma Marilyn!) and shown here for your viewing pleasure. By the way, I was late getting back to work by about 5 minutes but I wound up staying 30 minutes late tonight so more than made up for it. :)